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September 2013


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Thu, 5 Sep 2013 06:41:51 -0400
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Jim Mead <[log in to unmask]>
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
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I just left that location and did find the Little Blue Heron. 

Enjoy Birds,

Jim Mead

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 4, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Jim Phillips <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The Little Blue was still hanging around the same area this afternoon (Wednesday) from 3 to 4 PM.  We first viewed it from Field Days Road, while it was standing on the same log as when Ron took his pictures.  We then went around to Twitchell Hill Road, where we found that it had moved to a dead tree across the river.  We got decent looks at the legs, bill and the back of the neck from this vantage point.  I've got digiscoped pictures from each location.
> On 9/3/2013 8:10 PM, Ron Payne wrote:
>> After Ian left I went over to Twitchell Hill Rd. to try to get a closer view, but as I drove down the road it took off headed to the west. I went back around to Quaker Village Rd. and could see the bird perched in a tree from the bridge. It stayed there for about ten minutes before changing its perch to another tree, where it stayed for about another five minutes before taking off and flying to the west. I drove west after it looking at points where the Otter Creek is visible but wasn't able to find it again.
>> Here are a couple of blurry digiscoped images of the bird:
>> https://picasaweb.google.com/103744238038089080957/September32013?authuser=0&feat=directlink 
>> Ron Payne
>> Middlebury, VT
>> On Tue, 3 Sep 2013 19:54:35 -0400, "Ian A. Worley" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> This afternoon while fishing from a canoe my wife Mary and son Eli
>>> discovered a juvenile Little Blue Heron in the shallows and waterside trees of the small lake above Twin Bridges Dam in Weybridge.  Ron Payne and I rediscovered the bird this evening and had excellent views as it stood on a log well lit from the setting sun behind us.  A Great Blue Heron was close by, actually looking "great" in size by contrast with the small size of the heron.
>>> The plumage was all white, the bill greyish or grey-greenish with a black tip, there was no mane, and the legs and feet were uniformly olive-greenish.  Throughout the afternoon and evening it flew from location to location all within 1500 feet of the dam.  Mary and Eli got quite close to it with the canoe.
>>> From land it was most easily viewed and photographed from a high, roadside location on Field Days Road about 500 feet north of Quaker Village Road.  It also could be seen, at times, from Twitchell Hill Road a quarter of a mile east of Field Days Road.
>>> Photos to come.
>>> Ian