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Date: | Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:50:43 -0400 |
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Hello all,
On this first day of Fall, Larry Haugh, Rachael Bakeriam, Ted Murin and myself birded the Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge from 10:05 a.m. to 11:35 a.m. There was virtually no wind and it was the birdiest walk I've had in there this year (including spring migration). We got onto a good group of warblers by station # 2 and stayed with them through station # 7. We then backtracked and walked into the area behind the bench by station # 6. We probably stayed with that group for about an hour before they finally eluded us. I don't ever remember staying with a group of warblers for that long. It was really enjoyable. On our way out of the park, the wind had picked up and we saw very few birds. Our complete list: (34 species)
Canada Goose- heard flying overhead
Turkey Vulture- 1
Red-tailed Hawk- 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker- 1
Downy Woodpecker- 1
Northern Flicker- 2
Eastern Wood-Pewee- 1
Blue-headed Vireo- 1
Red-eyed Vireo- 5
Blue Jay- 3
American Crow -2
Black-capped Chickadee- many
Tufted Titmouse- 2
Brown Creeper- 1
Wood Thrush- 1
American Robin- many
Gray Catbird- many
Brown Thrasher- 1
European Starling- 3
Cedar Waxwing- 2
Tennessee Warbler- 2
Orange-crowned warbler- 1
Nashville Warbler- 4
Magnolia Warbler- 3
Black-throated Blue Warbler- 1
Black-throated Green Warbler- 5
Blackburnian Warbler- 1
American Redstart- 2
Ovenbird- 1
Common Yellowthroat- 3
Eastern Towhee- 3
Song Sparrow- 1
White-throated Sparrow- many
Rose-breasted Grosbeak- 1
On the way home, I pulled over to check the field on the corner of Greenbush Rd. and Lake Rd. and found 2 American Golden-Plovers among 64 Killdeer. There were also 2 American Kestrels.
Enjoy Birds,
Jim Mead