November 2013


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Chandler Davis <[log in to unmask]>
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Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Nov 2013 15:22:29 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (2001 bytes)
Sure, I'm a founding member of Scientists for the Right to Know.
We had a rousing march of hundreds of scientists with legible,
understandable banners stating our concerns.  This organization,
an offshoot of Science for Peace (in which I am a long-time
bellwether), is mostly directed at the Conservative government's
across-the-board cuts in research spending and restrictions on
remaining govt scientists access to the media.  We are also
concerned about corporate funders slanting research.


On Wed, 6 Nov 2013, Claudia Pine wrote:

> As always, there are too many sad examples every week of government and industry stifling scientists. Especially those who critique the continuing bias in
> science (along with government, industry, academe, and publishing) against women, people of colors other than "white", and other global minorities.
> "Science is about qualitative and quantitative results. Science is about intellectual freedom. Science is about ethics. And science is about those who do it.
> Before someone suggests I either change my name to Captain Obvious or cut out the banalities, let me say it again: Science is about scientists. All obstacles and
> wrong-doing science practitioners encounter is about science."
> This op-ed from French scientist Rayna Stamboliyska starts with some recent examples of Scientific American and its allied publications removing posts that
> highlight bias toward scientists who are women (and/or aren't willing to work for free), and moves on to remind us that yes, corporatist power is not the friend
> of science, or scientific freedom. 
> Also: Kudos to Aljazeera America for posting what mainstream media obediently avoid!  
> And: is anyone familiar with this Canadian organisation she mentions, Scientists for the Right to Know ?
> --
> The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution.  -- Paul Cezanne