November 2013


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"James P.E. Hardy" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
USA Debating in the WUDC Format <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:03:31 -0500
text/plain (153 lines)
Hi Russell,

Unsure as yet, but I expect we'll be looking to send between 6 and 10  
teams, depending on how hectic exames get for people. We'll be  
confirming as soon as possible, although possibly on the 2nd Dec  
itself - would that be ok?


Quoting Russell Leibowitz <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hi Everyone,
> We're looking forward to seeing you all this December 7th and 8th. We've
> been seeing an increase in interest in the IV this year and we're hoping to
> start to get a good idea of how many teams will be attending. While this is
> by no means required, we would appreciate it if schools could send in an
> approximation of how many teams they'll be sending so we can plan housing
> and food accordingly. Those numbers can of course be changed until
> registration closes on Monday December 2nd. Thanks for your help!
> If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
> [log in to unmask]
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Russell Leibowitz  
> <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Two quick updates:
>> 1) We're happy to announce that Brad Burns will be the second DCA for our
>> tournament. Brad is a 2012 Yale IV Quarterfinalist, a 2013 North American
>> Championship Octofinalist and a 2013 HWS Finalist.
>> 2) The schedule for the tournament is below:
>> SATURDAY (December 7)
>> 8:30 ? 9:15 Breakfast
>> 9:30 ? 11:30 Round 1
>> 11:45 ? 1:45 Round 2
>> 1:45 - 2:30 Lunch
>> 2:30 - 4:30 Round 3
>> 4:45 ? 6:45 Round 4
>> 6:45 ? 7:30 Dinner
>> 7:30 ? 9:30 Round 5
>> SUNDAY (December 8)
>> 8:00 ? 9:30 Breakfast
>> 9:45 ? 11:45 Round 6
>> 11:45 ? 12:30 Lunch/Awards
>> 12:30 ? 2:30 Semis/Novice Finals
>> 2:45 Finals
>> As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email us at
>> [log in to unmask]
>> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Russell Leibowitz  
>> <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>>> The Brandeis Academic Debate and Speech Society is pleased to invite you
>>> to the second annual Brandeis Intervarsity Debate Tournament, to be held
>>> this coming December 7th and 8th at Brandeis University in Waltham, MA.
>>> Competition
>>> The tournament will consist of six rounds of British Parliamentary debate
>>> with seven minute speaking times, followed by a break to varsity semis* and
>>> novice** finals. The first five rounds will offer open adjudication from
>>> our illustrious panels of judges with the precise schedule being posted
>>> shortly.
>>> Our adjudication team will be led by none other than Shengwu Li, who was
>>> top speaker and a finalist at Koc Worlds, won the 2009 European
>>> Universities Debating Championship and has CA'd a number of prominent
>>> tournaments including the 2013 EUDC. He will be joined by *Ben Kornfeld,* a
>>> semifinalist at Bostwana Worlds, winner and top speaker of the 2013 USU
>>> Debating Championships, a two-time Oxford IV semifinalist and an HWS
>>> Invitational finalist. Our second DCA will be announced shortly.
>>> Tab will be run by Steve Llano. Steve is the current Director of the St.
>>> John?s Debate Society, and has tabbed tournaments throughout the United
>>> States in recent years.
>>> While we plan on assembling a fantastic judging pool full of some of the
>>> best judges in North America, we still plan on imposing an N-1 judging
>>> requirement on all participating schools. If you will have any problems
>>> meeting this requirement, let us know.
>>> Food and Entertainment
>>> We will be offering all five meals over the course of the tournament
>>> (breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on
>>> Sunday).
>>> We are extremely well-known for our top notch parties at our annual APDA
>>> tournament, and you can bet that the Brandeis IV will be no different on
>>> Saturday night!
>>> Housing and Accommodations
>>> We have negotiated a deal with the Courtyard Marriott Waltham: $109 a
>>> night for a room with either two queen beds or a room with a king bed and a
>>> pull-out couch. To book, you can give them a call at (866) 296-2285.
>>> Just mention the name of our group: ?Academic Debate?.
>>> We will also offer crash housing to anyone who needs it; simply note in
>>> your registration email whether or not you will require crash housing.
>>> Registration
>>> Registration will be $125 per team, and $110 for teams from Canada, south
>>> of New York City, or west of Buffalo. Additionally, we will offer a $10
>>> break per team if you pay in cash. We do have a pay to play policy, so
>>> please come to the tournament with cash or check in hand. Additionally,
>>> schools that fail to meet the N-1 requirement will be assessed a $50 fee
>>> per missing judge.
>>> To register, email [log in to unmask] with the following
>>> information:
>>> -Names of debaters (please note novice status where applicable)
>>> -Names of judges (if you aren?t sure whether we will know them, please
>>> include any relevant experience)
>>> -Phone number of a contact person from your school
>>> -Number of people requiring crash housing (if applicable)
>>> -Any dietary restraints or other concerns
>>> We appreciate pre-reg with an approximate number of expected teams as
>>> early as possible. That said, the registration deadline will be 11:59 PM on
>>> Monday, December 2.
>>> Contact
>>> For any general questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to shoot an
>>> email to [log in to unmask]
>>> Thanks to all, and we look forward to hosting you in Waltham this
>>> December!
>>> Russell Leibowitz, Mike Abrams and Veronica Saltzman
>>> Tournament Directors, 2013 Brandeis IV
>>> * We reserve the right to break to quarters if the number of teams and
>>> judges allow.
>>> ** ?Novice? is defined as any debater in their first year of college
>>> debate, regardless of style.