MENCUVM Archives

January 2014


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Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:44:17 -0500
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Hey Everyone!

Here are the notes from yesterday's (1/22/14) NAfME meeting 

Saturday the 25th, Music department auditions are being held and we need people to help organize and talk to potential students and parents. Plan to be at southwick from 9 till 12, 1 at the latest. Try to dress nicely whatever that may mean for you. Coffee and donuts provided. 

Volunteers last night: Mei, David, Matt, Jacob, Justin

Ushering for the semester: Let's try not to have two ushers at a concert that needs only one. 
Kyle and Jacob are going to figure out which concerts need multiple ushers and post online

Cool Workshops for the semester!

Handbell workshop

Jazz trombonist improvisation workshop

Orff workshop w/Besty Greene from Champlain

Ukulele workshop w/free ukulele to keep after

Also in April we are planning on a Trip to New Jersey to observe urban style music education. While we are there, we could go into NYC and possibly see a show. 

We need to fundraise $100 this semester in order to be in good standing with the SGA. 
Ideas included a NAfME Talent show as well as a campus wide instrument teaching day where students from around campus could take a lesson on any instrument they've wanted to try. 

Observations for the music education requirements? Please contact Biza Bemak first so local teachers are not bombarded with emails. 
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Also if you need to observe strings, Edmunds Middle school has a string program less than 10 minutes away walking.

Support David and "B positive" Check out his Facebook wall for more info


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