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July 2017


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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Jul 2017 12:29:58 -0400
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
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Mark Paul <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Thanks Bob--what a great idea!

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:56 AM, Bob Stymeist <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  Vermont birders
> Jay Peak in the Northeast Kingdom is home to Bicknell’s Thrush and other
> high elevation birds. Access to the summit of Jay Peak, about 3,800 feet in
> elevation, can be made with its tram, which operates from 10 AM to 5 PM
> during the summer, except for Fridays, when it operates until dusk. The
> Friday later tram rides afford birders the opportunity to look for
> Bicknell’s Thrush.
> We went to the Jay Peak resort, which offers a Friday night BBQ and tram
> ride, all for the price of $24.95 per person, tram ride included. We
> arrived early to eat a delicious BBQ buffet (all you can eat) and then took
> the 6:30 tram to the summit. Once there, we walked down a ski trail only
> about 100 yards before we started hearing Bicknell’s Thrush. With
> additional spishing, we called in a total of four Bicknell’s (three of
> which were seen well) ,also we heard at least four singing Swainson’s
> Thrush, several Yellow-rumped Warblers, Dark-eyed Juncoes, Ruby crowned
> Kinglets and White-throated Sparrows though no Blackpoll Warblers, another
> target of the evening. We walked back to the tram and took the 7:30 tram
> back down to the base lodge, where we enjoyed s’mores by an outdoor fire
> pit. It was a wonderful evening and an exceedingly easy way to reach
> Bicknells Thrush territory.
> The Friday specials at the Jay Peak resort run throughout the summer and
> we thought Vermont birders might be interested in knowing about it in the
> event that you wan to try for Bicknell’s and Blackpolls. We do caution that
> last night, we were met with swarms of black flies, so they are still out
> in force at Jay’s summit, though not at all at the base lodge. Enjoy!
> On another note, this was fledge week at our home in Westmore, Phoebes
> successfully raised three young, Tree Swallows  another two or three and
> yesterday the first Bluebird left the nest box, in addition we have
> juvenile Chipping Sparrow, Sapsucker and Robins
> Bob Stymeist and Martha Steele
> Westmore Vt and
> Arlington MA
> [log in to unmask]