MEDLIB-L Archives

June 2018, Week 1


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Mon, 4 Jun 2018 16:20:03 +0000
"Kraft, Michelle" <[log in to unmask]>
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Kraft, Michelle" <[log in to unmask]>
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We are getting hit with a lot of requests to do systematic review searches.  As you all know it can take a lot of time and be a lot of work.  We are trying to figure out a system to our systematic review process and appreciate any thoughts from those of you who do a lot of these or have experienced the same issues as we have.

- We are looking systematic review process software like Covidence or DistillerSR (but not necessarily just those two).  There were several good posters and presentations at MLA this year and we are looking through them now but wanted to hear from anyone who had pros and cons to the systems they looked at and chose or didn't choose.

- We are looking at ways to separate the actual systematic review people from the people who want a systematic review done tomorrow.  We have worked at educating them, but depending on the person asking, sometimes education is not helpful.  For example if you know they are not going to have 2-3 people selecting citations, and they insist that they are all good, do you just tell them you won't do the search?  How do you handle saying no I won't search for you, and is that right?  IF you tell people you won't do the search for them, how do you handle that negative perception? 

-Some people mention that they require authorship.  That is great, but we need weed through to get to the serious ones before we can even talk about that. 

-I know some people mentioned they have grids, contracts, info handouts, etc. If you are willing to share that would be great.

Send the responses to me and I will summarize for the list.
Thank you,
Michelle Kraft, MLS, AHIP
Director, Library Services
Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library
9500 Euclid Ave. NA 30
Cleveland, OH 44195
(216) 445-7338
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