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February 2019, Week 3


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Thu, 21 Feb 2019 14:07:12 +0000
"Miles, Sarah" <[log in to unmask]>
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Miles, Sarah" <[log in to unmask]>
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Good morning all! Please remember to join us this afternoon for the second session of the Pieces of Systematic Review with Margaret Foster webinar series. Today we will be looking at step two, Identify: Developing Your Search and Documenting.

Full login details can be found below or on our website<>. Remember to download the pre-reading<> before the webinar so you can follow along with Margaret’s examples. See you soon!

The Pieces of Systematic Review with Margaret Foster Webinar Series
Session 2: Identify: Developing your search, documenting
Instructor: Margaret Foster, MLIS, MPH, Associate Professor and Systematic Reviews and Research Coordinator, Texas A&M University Medical Sciences Library
Time Thursday, February 21, 2019, 1-2:30pm CT / 12-1:30pm MT
Social Media Hashtag: #piecesQA

Series Description: Systematic reviews are well-documented as contributing to evidence-based healthcare by, in part, revealing gaps in the literature or illustrating the effectiveness of health interventions. They are common practice, but they can often be fraught with issues in how they’re conducted. There is a constant need for education and discussion. In each live session of this monthly limited-run webinar series, Margaret Foster draws from her expertise to discuss issues, provide examples, and demonstrate the steps of her Pieces process, as described in her book Assembling the Pieces of Systematic Review: A Guide for Librarians<>. This second run of the original series will provide more practical examples for conducting each step of a systematic review as well as look at other types of reviews. Sessions will occur on the third Thursday of every month from 1pm - 2:30pm CT. The webinar will highlight the following topics:

·         Thursday, January 17, 2019 - Plan: Developing your topic, framing the question, selecting a standard and output Video Link<>

·         Thursday, February 21, 2019 - Identify: Developing your search, documenting Login details below!

·         Thursday, March 21, 2019 - Evaluate: Screening tools

·         Thursday, April 18, 2019 - Collect: Coding and synthesis

·         Thursday, May 16, 2019 - Explain & Summarize: Reporting and dissemination, series wrap-up

What are you hoping to learn from this series? Let us know! You can submit your responses to our survey here<>.

Speaker Bio: Margaret Foster is an Associate Professor at Texas A&M University and serves as the Systematic Reviews and Research Coordinator at the Medical Sciences Library with a joint position at the School of Public Health.  Her work with systematic reviews began more than a decade ago while completing her Masters of Public Health.  In her current position, she provides consultations for researchers in medicine, public health, veterinary medicine, education, and other disciplines and has published over 30 articles applying or describing systematic review methods and evidence-based practices. In addition, she is a co-founder of the Medical Library Association Systematic Review Special Interest Group and developed a popular continuing education course about systematic reviews which has trained over 1000 librarians.

Full details on the series as well as login information for the second session can be found here:

To Join the Meeting

  1.  Go to
  2.  Enter the session number: 620 216 293​​ and password: pieces
  3.  Please provide your name and email address.
  4.  You may have to download and install a web add-on or run a temporary application depending on the browser you use.
  5.  Select your audio connection preference:
*Call using computer - Adjust settings and test the connection
*Call from WebEx - Enter your direct phone number and press 1 when prompted
*Call in - Call: 1-650-479-3208 (US/Canada toll number)
Enter access code: 620 216 293​​ #
Enter the Attendee ID on your screen and press #
  6.  If you are using a mobile device, your access code is: pieces

For live captioning, please use
For any technical issues, please call: 817-735-2223.

Sarah Miles, MLIS/MA
Health Professions Coordinator
NNLM South Central Region
Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library
University of North Texas Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd | Fort Worth, TX 76107
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | (817) 735-2236