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February 2019, Week 3


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Mon, 18 Feb 2019 22:36:00 +0000
"Miles, Sarah" <[log in to unmask]>
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Miles, Sarah" <[log in to unmask]>
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Good afternoon! Please excuse cross-posting. We are pleased to announce our next Patient Safety webinar, Burnout Among Healthcare Professionals: The Unrecognized Safety Imperative to be presented Thursday, March 7th at 1pm CT / 12pm MT. Our guest speaker, Lillee Smith Gelinas, is another fabulous presenter and partner coming to use from SaferCare Texas, our co-sponsor for this series. This will be a session you won't want to miss!

No registration is required for this class. You can find full details and login information below or on our website<>. Please feel free to pass this along to any interested parties!

Burnout Among Healthcare Professionals: The Unrecognized Safety Imperative
Guest Speakers: Lillee Smith Gelinas, MSN, RN, CPPS, FAAN, Nurse Executive and Senior Fellow, SaferCare Texas, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Date: Thursday, March 7 , 2019
Time: 1pm CT / 12pm MT
Co-Sponsored by: SaferCare Texas (formerly the University of North Texas Health Science Center Institute for Patient Safety)

Description: Recent research published by the National Academy of Medicine links poor healthcare outcomes to clinician burnout, including lower quality, increased costs, higher turnover and alarming rates of suicide and depression.  Evidence-based strategies to address the problem are known, but less clear is how organizations can successfully implement them.

The issues related to this hidden epidemic will be described and how the ability to achieve optimal performance and outcome excellence is undermined by worker fatigue and burnout.  The importance of worker overall health and well-being to create and sustain a culture of safety, a healthy work environment, and a work-life balance will be presented.


  1.  Discuss recent research linking burnout to poor personal and organizational performance
  2.  Identify promising approaches and current strategies to address fatigue and burnout
  3.  Understand how to recognize risks in co-workers and team members
  4.  Describe resources available for personal and organizational well-being

Speaker Bio: Lillee Gelinas is an accomplished healthcare leader with extensive experience in hospitals and healthcare system operations, including national and international organizations. Her expertise reflects an exemplary career spanning a range of nursing leadership and executive roles, from staff nurse to national system chief nursing officer, including military service in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps. Currently, she is Senior Fellow, Nurse Executive for SaferCare Texas at the University of North Texas Health Science Center where she supports programs in both academia and practice. She is also a Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS), a member of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Steering Committee, the National Quality Forum (NQF) Patient Safety Steering Committee and is co-chair for The Joint Commission (TJC) Nursing Advisory Council. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (AAN), a recognition awarded to less than 1% of the 4 million registered nurses in the United States. From 2012 to 2017, she served on the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) Board of Directors, her term ending when NPSF successfully merged with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Since June 2014, Gelinas has served as Editor-in-Chief of American Nurse Today, the peer reviewed official journal of the American Nurses Association, and she has presented hundreds of live and video presentations across national and international audiences in support of her commitment to advancing innovations in care delivery, leadership and professional practice excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration and high quality, safe care. Ms. Gelinas attended Louisiana State University, earned her Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a Master's Degree in Nursing, with honors, from the University of Pennsylvania where she also studied at the Wharton School of Business. She is currently enrolled at Duke University, where she is pursuing her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree.

For more information: No registration is required for this class.

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For any technical issues, please call: 817-735-2223.

Sarah Miles, MLIS/MA
Health Professions Coordinator
NNLM South Central Region
Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library
University of North Texas Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd | Fort Worth, TX 76107
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