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April 2020, Week 4


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 15:14:56 +0000
"Czanyo, Elizabeth" <[log in to unmask]>
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"Czanyo, Elizabeth" <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Amanda,

I really like this one:

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Oxford University – Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service :



The COVID-19 pandemic is evolving rapidly. Access our collection of current information including clinical summaries, article collections and national and international guidance .

Elizabeth Czanyo, MLIS

Specialist, Clinical Information, Clinical Products and Services

Spécialiste en information clinique, Produits et services cliniques

Joule Inc.

A Canadian Medical Association Company

Une société de l’Association médicale canadienne

1031, rue Bank St., Ottawa ON  K1S 3W7


844-565-8228 •

Disclaimer: This information, provided as a service, is not a substitute for the clinical judgment of a physician or other health care professional and is not intended to provide healthcare staff with either medical advice or recommendations.  We make  reasonable efforts to provide accurate and complete database search results using the resources available. Search results are subject to the limits of the databases and are not meant to represent a complete or comprehensive treatment of the topic.  Neither CMA nor Joule nor its agents assume liability related to the content of the databases, the use or misuse of information provided or related to any acts or omissions in the search process.

Avis de non-responsabilité: Cette information est offerte à titre de service et ne remplace pas le jugement clinique d’un médecin ou autre professionnel de la santé. Elle ne vise pas non plus à fournir au personnel en soins de santé des conseils médicaux ou des recommandations médicales. Nous faisons tous les efforts raisonnables pour présenter des résultats précis et complets de recherche dans les bases de données au moyen des ressources à leur disposition. Les résultats des recherches sont assujettis aux limitations des bases de données et n’entendent pas présenter un traitement intégral ou exhaustif du sujet. Ni l’AMC ni Joule, ni ses agents ne pourront être tenus responsables du contenu des bases de données, de l’utilisation à bon ou mauvais escient de l’information fournie ou de toute action ou omission dans le processus de recherche.

-----Original Message-----
From: Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Amanda Okandan
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 10:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Ref q- Recommendations for covid-19 literature summaries/digests?

Dear all,

One of my infectious disease docs wrote and explained that they are drowning in all the new covid-19 literature. They asked if I knew of any regularly published digests that give short summaries of the recently published covid-19 literature.

I’ve located the UCSF digests, the synopses from Public Health Ontario, and am aware of LitCovid. Does anyone follow or create any literature summaries to help clinicians stay current?

Thanks so much!

Best regards,


Amanda Z. Okandan, MLS | Medical Librarian Robert Shafer Memorial Library Presbyterian Healthcare Services P.O. Box 26666 Albuquerque, NM 87125-6666

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