Please excuse cross-postings.
We are pleased to announce that New England Science Bootcamp for Librarians will host a FREE virtual conference on June 11, 2020, from 9am – 4pm.
Topics MAY include, depending on speaker availability:
* Vaccine research & manufacture
* Virology
* Making Health Devices in non-industrial settings
* IRB and human subjects research in the shifting landscape
Tentative Schedule
* 9-10am Session A
* 10:15-10:45 Interstitial - Front Lines Stories
* 11-12 Session B
* 12-1 Lunch
* 1-2 Session C
* 2:15-2:45 Interstitial - Front Lines Stories
* 3-4 Session D
The schedule of topics will be finalized and sent to all registrants soon.
This conference will run throughout the day, with access via a single link for the whole day that attendees will receive after registering. You may tune in as you have time or for the topics that interest you the most. More information and a detailed schedule will be available closer to the date of the event. Please register to get the most updated information sent to you.
Registration is available at<>
We look forward to seeing you online for a fun and informative conference! While we had to cancel our in-person conference this year, we hope you will take advantage of this free professional development opportunity. While this conference is being organized in New England, we welcome attendance for anyone and anywhere.
In addition, please save the date for June 2 - 4, 2021 for the annual in-person New England Science Bootcamp for Librarians conference that will be hosted by the University of Connecticut at Storrs, CT.
The New England Science Boot Camp Planning Committee