We’ve had an abundance of Hairies, Downies, and several Red Bellies, plus plenty of Jays and a pair of Cardinals, but only a few Chickadees, Juncos, and Titmouses. Hardly any finches on black oil or thistle. This time of year I can (usually) barely keep up with the feeders. This year, I have not had to replace a 40# bad of black oil since November! Very strange. Perhaps they’ve all gone to South Hero! :-)
Anyone else experiencing a dearth of the usual suspects?
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> On Jan 28, 2021, at 11:58 AM, Upton, Michael D <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Have been watching a pair of adult Bald Eagles fishing off the edge of the ice in Beech Bay in South Hero. Clearly interacting as they choreograph their soaring and diving. Impressive and beautiful.
> Seeing one daily from my home office window and sometimes a juvenile flying by or perching. Today was the first day I saw 2 adults together.
> Feeders busy with Gold Finches, Chickadees, Cardinals, Juncos, Redpolls, Downy and Hairy Wood Peckers, White and Red-breasted Nuthatches, Blue Jays
> Saw a brown creeper on the trunk of an Oak Tree this week.
> Lots of birds of prey on the wires in the fields and hunting.