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July 1994, Week 4


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Connie Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Jul 1994 13:37:58 -0500
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Below are duplicate journals.  Please request by August 15,
ACOG Committee Opinion: March 1994 #134
                       List of Titles Sept 1993
ACOG Technical Bulletin: List of Titles Sept 1993
American Family Physician: June 1994 49(8)
                           July 1994 50(1)
American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care: January 1994
149(1) two
CA-A Cancer Journal for Physicians: May/June 1994 44(3) two
Cardiovascular Nursing: July/Aug 1994 30(4)
Heart Disease & Stroke: May/June 1994 3(3) two
Journal of the American Dietetic Association:
                    Vol. 89 Nos. 1-8,9s,12 Jan-Aug,Sept suppl,Dec
                    Vol. 90 Nos. 3-9,9s March-Sept,Sept suppl
JAMA: May 25, 1994 271(20)
Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society: June 1994 91(1)
                                         July 1994 91(2)
Journal of Emergency Nursing: April 1994 20(2)
Journal of Reproductive Medicine: May 1994 39(5)
Lancet: March 12, 1994 343(8898)
Modern Healthcare: May 30, 1994 24(22)
Nurse Practitioner: May 1994 19(5)
                    June 1994 19(6) two
Nutrition in Clinical Practice: April 1992 7(2)
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal: May 1994 13(5)
Physicians Travel & Meeting Guide: July 1994
Postgraduate Medicine: May 1, 1994 95(6)
                       May 15, 1994 95(7)
                       June 1994 95(8)
Spine: Mar 1, 1994 19(5)
Connie M. Wilson,MLS                     (501)442-1175(Voice)
AHEC-NW Library                          (501)521-0624(Fax)
Washington Regional Medical Center       [log in to unmask]
1125 N College
Fayetteville, AR 72703