MEDLIB-L Archives

July 1994, Week 4


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Conan the Librarian <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Jul 1994 15:47:32 -0400
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
With thanks to and the prez of my local access Internet provider, (who
doubles as tech support), who suggested the "tried 'n true" cut 'n paste
method (I'm so embarrassed--it didn't occur to me earlier--but then again,
no one else suggested it either!), here is, w/o any further ado, the
position upgrade document...
                        FORE ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN
  (100 points possible)
  I.  Education (30 points)
   A.  Briefly describe you library education (including degrees,
coursework, seminars, etc.) (10 pts)
   B.  Describe your coursework in the following areas:
        1.  reference/bibliographic instruction (5 pts)
        2.  subject specialties (2 pts)
        3.  online systems (5 pts)
        4.  automation/information systems (5 pts)
        5.  health sciences (3 pts)
 II.  Experience (35 points)
   A.  Briefly describe your library experience (5 pts)
   B.  Describe your reference/bibliographic instruction experience (8 pts)
   C.  Describe the online bibliographic databases you have used (8 pts)
   D.  Describe the library automation/cataloging systems you have used (5 pts)
   E.  Describe your experience working with
        1.  serials (1 pt)
        2.  circulation (1 pt)
        3.  interlibrary loan (2 pts)
        4.  cataloging (1pt)
   F.  Describe what you think is the most important part of the reference
interview (2 pts)
   G.  Describe how you determine if the patron's information needs have
been met (2 pts)
III.  Library Service Issues (10 points)
   A.  Briefly describe your philosophy of the role of the special library
(within the larger organization)
        (4 pts)
   B.  Describe the role you think customer satisfaction plays in library
service (3 pts)
   C.  Describe some of the things you would do to measure customer
satisfaction (3 pts)
 IV.  Career Plans (5 points)
    A.  Briefly describe your career plans (2 pts)
    B.  Describe your preferred library environment (2 pts)
    C.  Describe your preferred library position (1 pt)
  V.  Library Association Memberships (5 points)
     A.  List the Library Associations to which you belong (5 pts)
 VI.  Skills (15 points)
    A.  Briefly describe you pc experience (2 pts)
    B.  Describe the applications (programs) with which you have experience
(4 pts)
    C.  Do you use DOS or Windows? (1 pt)
    D.  How well do you work under pressure? (4 pts)
    E.  Describe how you would establish priorities among competing demands
(4 pts)
                        Glenn Ferdman, MLS
        Foundation of Record Education (FORE) Library
of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
                919 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 1400
                    Chicago, IL 60611-1683
         312-787-2672, x275   /    312-787-9793 (fax)
                       [log in to unmask] (e-mail)