MEDLIB-L Archives

July 1994, Week 4


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Steve Jones <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 Jul 1994 12:31:10 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
As the program chair for the Baltimore Chapter of SLA, I would greatly
appreciate learning about people/organizations whom you know through
personal experience (i.e., attending their programs/using their services
in your library) to be excellent program presenters in topics related to
library management.  (apologies for the length of that sentence)  We
would like to set up a half or full day program early in 1995 on such a
topic here in the Baltimore area.  Our budget for this person would
probably be about $1500 (speaker fee and his/her expences) max.  We would
also prefer that it be practically oriented (e.g., how to prepare a plan
of action to enhance managerial perceptions of the library's value)
rather than theoretical/inspirational.
Please reply to me directly.  If other people are also interested, I will
happily summarize for the list.
Thank you.
Steve Jones
Medical & Chirurgical Faculty of Md
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