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March 1996


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from ( []) by (8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id PAA73812; Tue, 5 Mar 1996 15:25:46 -0500 (from cmoffett@localhost) by (8.7.4/8.7.3) id PAA149456; Tue, 5 Mar 1996 15:24:41 -0500
MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="-2067372736-1272546590-825963542=:25998"
"Colin J. Moffett" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Mar 1996 15:24:41 -0500 (EST)
TEXT/PLAIN (536 bytes) , platform.txt (3029 bytes)

This letter is to inform everyone that Colin Moffett is running for 
President of the Student Government Associaton, and that Jessica Cooke is 
running for Vice President.  We encourage you to vote for us on March 
13th and 14th. Take a look at the attached platform we have put 
together(by pressing "v"), and if you have any qusetions send us email or 
give us a call. Feel free to pass this letter on.  Thank You.


							Colin Moffett
							Jessica Cooke

Platform: Colin Moffett and Jessica Cooke Philosophy: Respect, Communication, and Awareness. We believe that these three elements are crucial in creating and maintaining a university community which fosters the growth of all members. UVM has the potential to be an environment in which these factors serve as the foundation, upon which we can build toward a thriving community. We hope to be able to facilitate this ideal for the benefit of our institution. To work towards this goal, SGA would begin to play a larger role in disseminating information to increase awareness to students about policies and changes that affect the student body as a whole. This would happen through regular forums, discussions, and other types of face to face contact. UVM TV Channel 12 would be more widely used to communicate important issues and information. Senate would put out publications concerned with what is going on within SGA, the University, and the Burlington community. Continuing to develop an open, ongoing, honest relationship between SGA and ALANA organizations is crucial in creating the type of community we are striving to achieve. Together we would work to improve racial justice and cultural diversity on the UVM campus and beyond. We would create a committee consisting of members of SGA, ALANA organizations, greek organizations, and any other interested groups to meet and discuss these issues. In order to garner respect for one another, we would uphold a student supported mission dealing with idea regarding student responsibility. Responsibility includes advocating appropriate social behavior and academic integrity as part of a respectful community. The respect that students have for each one another must also extend to the administration, faculty, and staff respecting students as well. We would facilitate this type of relationship by increasing involvement of students on University committees, even so much as making them voting members. We also aim to create an ad hoc committee which would hear student concerns about any problem dealing with the University and then act upon them. The advising system that is now in place is wholly inadequate in meeting the needs of students. We would work on an advising policy which requires a much more active and approachable relationship between advisor and student. This policy would include criteria that advisors are required to meet, training in advising, and regular evaluations. Students need a student center. We need a centralized place where students can come together for social, academic, and extra curricular activities. The current student center is undersized and inadequate in serving the students. We will continue to work with students and administration in making this a reality. UVM needs to answer many questions about it's future. As leaders we will work with others to gather ideas about issues such as academic quality, campus climate, and student life to develop a vision for the future of UVM.