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March 1996, Week 1


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 1996 11:50:25 EST
text/plain (67 lines)
Karen and fellow MEDLIBBERS,
I have had so many non-book/journal things taken from my
library I have to laugh about it or I'll cry.  I had this great
plexiglass clothesclip about 4 inches long, it disappeared.  I
don't dare put up a photo on my desk, the frame will
disappear.  Someone took my fuschia/purple colored keyboard
wrist rest I got from Rittenhouse Book Distributors (had their
ad on it); my new one has "stolen from the librarian" written
in magic marker on it.
The pens and pads I have solved.  When I went to Atlantic City
one weekend I came back with a "coin cup" from each of the
casios.  They are about a 2 cup size, great for pencils and
pens.  Then I went around to various depts and offices and
asked for all their junky pens/pencils.  Sharpened the pencils
and into the cans they went.  My good pens and pencils get
locked up in a drawer.  Nobody wants to keep them so they get
put back in the can. As for the pads, I've asked depts to
give me all their junk white paper, obsolete letterhead, extra
sheets from dot matrix feed printers, etc.  I have a big box
marked "SCRAP PAPER" sitting in the middle of the library for
all the world to see.  I also cut some of this paper in half
for those wanting smaller pieces.  My drug rep pads  go in
the drawer with my good pens.  Seems to work.  At least they
haven't taken the memory chips out of my computer yet!,
I know I'm only a shoebox library - one desk, one table, one
easy chair, one VERY CROWDED ROOM, but try it.
Debra Scarborough               "The Shoebox Health Sciences,
R.P. Immerman Memorial Library   Library of Northern Virginia"
Potomac Hospital
Woodbirdge, VA 22191
> Fellow readers and colleagues,
> This is starting to become a problem in my hospital library:  the pens, pencils
> and pads that I have at strategic spots (by each phone, the card catalogue, the
> circulation desk, etc) disappear every day.  I am only able to get so much of a
> supply from drug reps, etc. and hate to spend so much money constantly
> replenishing the supply.  Actually the cost is a minor irritation in comparison
> to the frustration of needing a pen and paper at hand when I'm in another room
> and the phone rings, and finding that the one I just placed there yesterday is
> gone *again*.  If this is a problem in other libraries, how do you handle it.
> I was wondering about putting up little signs or something, but that seems kind
> of tacky.   I hope I'm not the only one who finds this irritating.  I don't
> necessarily think patrons intentionally walk off with things...although we have
> also lost staplers and scissors, which would pretty hard to mistakenly carry
> off.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Karen M. Zundel
> <----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |  Karen M. Zundel, MLS, AHIP                Phone:           412-664-2363  |
> |  Director, Health Services Library         Fax:             412-664-2581  |
> |  McKeesport Hospital                       Internet:  [log in to unmask]  |
> |  1500 Fifth Avenue                                                        |
> |  McKeesport, PA.  15132                    "I'm Straight But Not Narrow"  |
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------->