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March 1996, Week 1


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Shady Grove Adventist Hospital <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 14:48:57 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
Yes we are doing exactly what you are describing. I have Ovid still on a
stand alone in the library but am just about to install Aries Knowledge
Finder on our local area network. We have taken a look at KF and hope
that it will be a viable alternative to Ovid. The price is really what is
dicating this decision. We estimated that KF will be substantially
cheaper even over a 5 year period. I will continue to use Ovid on a "pay
as you go"  basis in the
library. We are currently in a trial period for about a month and will
see how it's accepted by users throughout our system.
I hope to also hear from others who are about to install two systems.
I am a little anxious about the fact that I would have to be familiar
with the second system but am hoping that it's so easy to use that it
won't impact me that much.
Janice Lester                                 Tel (301) 279-6101       *
* Shady Grove Adventist Hospital                Fax (301) 279-6500       *
* 9901 Medical Center Drive                     e-mail [log in to unmask] *
* Rockville, MD 20850                                                    *
On Mon, 4 Mar 1996, Marian Dorner wrote:
> Are any institutions running multiple Medline systems?  We
> are currently running Ovid Plusnet2 on a Novell server for the
> use of the professional librarians & our end users.  We've
> been asked to consider mounting a duplicate Medline
> system for end-users only using Aries Knowledge Finder.
> I'm wondering if anyone else has done something like this --
> having one system for professional searchers & a second
> system for end-users.  It doesn't necessarily have to be with
> Ovid & Aries.  If so, I would be interested in hearing why you
> provide 2 systems; who pays for what; & how do you support
> 2 systems.
> Please reply to me & I will summarize for the list.
> Marian Dorner
> Systems Librarian
> Cleveland Clinic Foundation
> [log in to unmask]
> 216-445-7334 (phone)
> 216-444-0271 (fax)