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March 1996, Week 1


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"KAREN M. ZUNDEL, DIRECTOR HEALTH SE" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 1996 10:22:51 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
Fellow readers and colleagues,
This is starting to become a problem in my hospital library:  the pens, pencils
and pads that I have at strategic spots (by each phone, the card catalogue, the
circulation desk, etc) disappear every day.  I am only able to get so much of a
supply from drug reps, etc. and hate to spend so much money constantly
replenishing the supply.  Actually the cost is a minor irritation in comparison
to the frustration of needing a pen and paper at hand when I'm in another room
and the phone rings, and finding that the one I just placed there yesterday is
gone *again*.  If this is a problem in other libraries, how do you handle it.
I was wondering about putting up little signs or something, but that seems kind
of tacky.   I hope I'm not the only one who finds this irritating.  I don't
necessarily think patrons intentionally walk off with things...although we have
also lost staplers and scissors, which would pretty hard to mistakenly carry
off.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Karen M. Zundel
|  Karen M. Zundel, MLS, AHIP                Phone:           412-664-2363  |
|  Director, Health Services Library         Fax:             412-664-2581  |
|  McKeesport Hospital                       Internet:  [log in to unmask]  |
|  1500 Fifth Avenue                                                        |
|  McKeesport, PA.  15132                    "I'm Straight But Not Narrow"  |