July 1996


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[log in to unmask] (Joseph R Schneider)
Sat, 6 Jul 1996 15:42:37 -0500
text/plain (66 lines)
sorry, no LBC content, no vascular surgery content, no vascular lab
content, but i just had a very terrifying experience and seem to have been
saved by norton utilities- if you use a macintosh, you might want to read

use mac powerpc 7100/66, ran out of hard drive space, upgraded to quantum
1gig last january, found that apple hard disk formatter doesn't recognize
quantum drive, had to have university repair service format drive- then
things were fine until about a month ago, then noticed a "temporary items"
folder in my trash, couldn't get rid of it because "in use", still there
even when started with extensions off- didn't respond to truning off
virtual memory either- the real problem was emergence of frequent crashes
(often, but not always when connecting with netscape) and when i restarted,
could not boot from hard drive, in fact couldn't see the hard drive!
started from system 7.5 tools disk, the hard drive "unreadable, do you want
to initialize? (that's when the terror really began!)- ran the apple disk
first aid utility, found problems "but cannot fix", nevertheless, could now
see the hard drive (terror abated briefly), but problem kept recurring-
apple hard disk setup couldn't see the drive
called northwestern consulatants a couple times, the first question was
always "do you have norton utilities?"- didn't take the hint at first,
thought this might have been revenge from lucas fan who might have sent a
virus with some mail after i said a disparaging thing or two about lucas in
my lbc mail, loaded current version of disinfectant anti-viral, didn't help
i had backups (call me anal, zip drive purchased when i was anticipating
installation of the quantum, among the 5 smartest things i've ever done)-

bought norton utilities, ran the "disk doctor" from the emergency disk,
found a bunch of problems, examples of the ones that seem now to be
potential culprits:

Scan Catalog
An error was found in a leaf node in the catalog b-tree.
Node 240 has an incorrect forward link. (5,4,1)
Node #240
The leaf node was fixed.

An error was found in a directory record in the catalog b-tree.
The folder record for the folder, "GigaBrain", lists an incorrect number of
files (or valence). (node 495) (5,7,8)
Node #495, Record Offset 1
The leaf directory record was fixed.

An error was found in a directory record in the catalog b-tree.
The folder record for the folder, "Trash", lists an incorrect number of
files (or valence). (node 419) (5,7,8)
Node #419, Record Offset 1
The leaf directory record was fixed.

fixed everything suggested by disk doctor, restarted, saw that pesky little
temporary items folder in trash again, but this time, it allowed me to
empty the trash, and now after several restarts (no subsequent crashes),
everything seems to be fixed

buying norton utilities also on list of 5 smartest things i've ever done

joe (sphincters relaxed for the first time in a month) schneider

Joseph R Schneider
"You have a Lucas type 4 generator on a 12 volt system, and you know the
British, they'd rather spend time glueing a piece of wood to the dashboard
than get the electrical system right."  Tim Robbins as Ed Walters in "I.Q."