NR1034 Archives

October 1997


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Clare Ginger <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 9 Oct 1997 10:02:47 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
Please find below information about what promises to be an interesting panel
discussion that is part of the SNR 25th Anniversary Celebration.  I
encourage everyone to attend at least part of these activities.

>The following are details regarding Friday, October 17 panel discussion.
>Please help to spread the word about this.  Thanks
>UVM School of Natural Resources
>25th Anniversary Seminar
>Friday, October 17, 1997
>"Reflections on the Future: The World from an Ecological Perspective"
>Carpenter Auditorium, E131 Given Building, University of Vermont
>Co-sponsored by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
>8:30 a.m.    Coffee
>8:45 a.m.    Welcome and introductions - Don DeHayes, Associate Dean, SNR
>9:00 a.m.    Remarks by members of the distinguished panel (20-25 minutes
>each)          Donella Meadows, Dartmouth College faculty member and columnist
>               David Orr, Professor and head of Environmental Studies at
>Oberlin College
>               John Todd, Founder of the New Alchemy Institute, Ocean Arks
>International and Living Technologies
>10:15 a.m.    Speakers interaction with Vermont panel
>               David Brynn, SNR Alumnus, Addison County Forester (questions on
>               Larry Forcier, Dean, School of Natural Resources (questions on
>higher education)
>               Barbara Ripley, Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources
>(questions on public policy)
>10:45 a.m.    Interactions with the audience
>11:15 a.m.    Conclusion
Clare Ginger, Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources
350 Aiken Center
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT  05405
802-656-2684; [log in to unmask]