>X-Sender: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 10:38:47 -0400
>Reply-To: Building Our Community <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: Building Our Community <[log in to unmask]>
>From: Meredith King <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: COLOR OF FEAR WORKSHOP-- please forward
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Please help us get the word out on this "Color of Fear" workshop. Please
>forward this to various email lists. Thanks!
> A workshop based on "The Color of Fear," a groundbreaking film
about the
>state of race relations in America as seen through the eyes of eight men of
>various ethnicities, will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, at
>the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St.
> The film screening will be followed by a discussion led by experienced
> "The Color of Fear," produced and directed by Lee Mun Wah, examines
>the effect that racism has had on eight men, who are of African, Asian,
>European and Latin American origins. The filming took place over three days
>in Mendocino County, Calif. While making the film, the men spent all of
>their time together. All of the dialogue is spontaneous; for some of the
>men, it was the first time they had shared their thoughts on racism with men
>of another ethnicity.
> The workshop facilitators for Nov. 8 will be: Paij Wadley-Bailey, a
>doctoral student in education at the University of Vermont and co-founder of
>the Race Education Action Project, the Vermont Anti-Racism Action Team, the
>International Summer Youth Institute and the Diversity Quilt on Racism and
>Antisemitism; and Judith Beckett, a registered nurse and a longtime
>political activist who has taught at Goddard College. Wadley-Bailey has
>lived in Vermont for 22 years and has facilitated numerous workshops,
>seminars, in-services, discussion groups and cultural celebrations; Beckett
>has lived in Vermont for eight years, and she creates posters, collages and
>collections of material culture to enhance the workshops she co-facilitates.
> The workshop, being presented by the UU Anti-Racism Action
Committee, is
>open to the public on a sliding-fee scale. Participants are asked to bring a
>brown-bag lunch; drinks and dessert will be provided. Child care will be
>available to those who call by Nov. 1.
> For more information or to request child care, call UU Anti-Racism
>Committee co-chairs Leon Lawrence (655-1334) or Nini Worman (802-285-2201).
> --30--
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:^) %^| ;^) ?:^) :^b :^# :^* :~( >:( :^)
<<<<<<<::>>>>>>> * <<<<<<<<::>>>>>>> * <<<<<<<::>>>>>>> * <<<<<<<::>>>>>>>
>+< o >+<
Dorothea Brauer >+< o >+< "A one-dimensional
[log in to unmask] >+< o >+< remedy can't cure a
UVM Counseling Center >+< o >+< three-dimensional wrong."
146 So. Williams >+< o >+<
Burlington, VT 05405 >+< o >+< --Gloria Steinam '81
656-3340 >+< o >+<
>+< o >+<
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