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November 1997


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ACS staff discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Steve Cavrak <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 08:15:03 -0500
ACS staff discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (50 lines)
1. MacLeland Presentations

On Monday, February 12, DCCS will release MacLeland, a Macintosh control
panel that helps users "login" to SUNet services. (A portion of a
"Speaking of Computers" article about MacLeland is appended below.)

To help them understand MacLeland from a consultant's point of view,
presentations for Expert Partners and Local Network Administrator have
been scheduled for:

* Monday, February 12 (4-5pm) in Turing Auditorium

* Tuesday, February 20 (11-12pm) in Turing Auditorium

The presentations will include a review of how MacLeland works, a
discussion of known problems or possible consulting questions, and
information on how to get help.


Portion of "Speaking of Computers" article:

MacLeland provides three key areas of functionality:

      Security for your password and data (via encryption) for those using
MacSamson to telnet to many SUNet UNIX hosts, or for your password for
those using the commercial version of Eudora to read electronic mail;

      Appleshare-like access to Leland Systems files so you can copy and
move UNIX files around by "dragging and dropping" them; and

      Cluster administration tools for restricting access to Macintoshes
in public clusters to Stanford community members only.

MacLeland will be a part of the MacStanford package of programs, which
also includes MacSLIP, Netscape, and MacSamson. Since the latest version
of MacSamson (4.07) will have several changes to make MacSamson work
better with MacLeland, it is a good idea to upgrade your version of
MacSamson when you install MacLeland.

2. End of NFS

On March 31, ITSS will be converting its NFS servers to AFS servers.
Converting to AFS is necessary from the standpoint of both system security
and system administration. As a result, approximately 3,000 Leland users
will need to change their NFS account to an AFS account sometime before
March 31. Since most Leland users are already in AFS, the NFS folks will
be contacted via e-mail with instructions on how to convert. If you don't
receive a notice, you're already in AFS.