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February 1998


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"Sydney S. Mullen" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sydney S. Mullen
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 13:51:06 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (27 lines)
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Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 13:25:15 -0500 (EST)
From: "Allyson B. Foley" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Sydney S. Mullen" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: figure skating club

Hey Sydney!

Thanks for the message.  The figure skating club is still alive and
kicking.  It has been difficult to get many skaters out on the ice at once
because of time constraints during the semester, but a few of us have been
skating, especially on Sunday afternoons.  It is wonderful to be able to
vent a week's worth of aggression and stress while doing something so
enjoyable.  My plan is to take my senior freestyle test on March 21st at
Leddy Arena.  They have a gold test panel of judges, so that will keep me
busy.  Lots of preparation is needed for that, so it looks like the
icetime during Spring Break will be valuable.  We also have a skater who
competed in the Eastern Figure Skating Championships last semester.  She
skates mostly in Lake Placid, but when time allows, she skates at
Gutterson.  She is amazing to watch.  Anyway, that's the scoop from here
and I plan to come into the SGA office soon to pick up the mail that has
most certainly piled up in our mailbox.  See you soon.  Thanks again for
your message.

Allyson Foley