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February 1998, Week 1


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Webster Library <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 11:53:13 -0600
cc: jcaho-watch <[log in to unmask]>
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (47 lines)
A total of five responses and one contact from a vendor were received.
All responses ere forwarded to the Chair of the Pt. Ed. Committee and the
Audiovisuals Director.  I was looking for CD technology - none touched on
these.  Most seem to be Video based.
All responders p[rovided telephone numbers if more detailed information
is needed.

 The vendor sent and brochurs and a cover letter;  It is not clear but
the progrmas seem to be Videos.

One unidentified hospital reported "in process of installing a new TV
system...on demnd programming by patient".  System was not identified.

A hospital in N. Carolina noted knowing of several vendors;  a new system
is "in process" of being set up.

A childrens hospital in CA is planning to upgrade this year from a closed
circuit TV w/pre-scheduled programming to an "on-demand" format.

A university hospital uses a closed circuit channel option, with a
pre-set list of programs given to patient upon admission.  Computer
technology is used to cue up the programs.  "In the future", they would
also like to look into on-demand viewing.

An education instructor from a kentucky hosptial reponded that they have
a Video Jukebox that is available to patients and staff at all times.
The jokebos holds 97 vidoe tapes, and 5 VCRs on a dedeicated channel.
Most viewing is directed by the staff, but patient can access directly
(pt is given a printed list of programs.  Programs are reviewed and
approved prior to selection, and usage statistics are consulted before a
program is removed/replaced.  THe company that provides the service is
OSBORN (Nashville - 1-800-726-1496.    Hospital also operates another
Osborn product, a laser disc with a set program that repeats daily, on a
special New BOrn channel.  Program is updated grequently and has a
spanish component.

Many thanks to those who responded!
 Dalia Kleinmuntz
Webster Library Evanston Hospital
2650 Ridge Ave.
Evanston IL 60201
[log in to unmask]            (847) 570-2665        FAX: (847) 570-2926

"The secret of caring for the patient is caring for the patient"
                                                       - Sir William Osler