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February 1998, Week 1


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Kathy Tacke <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 14:21:57 -0700
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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I remember some dialog regarding unsolicited mailings some time back but do
not remember if was regarding Faulkner and Gray.

My hospital has been inundated with F&G shipments.  It is our policy for any
orders to be placed with a PO# including free previews. They are being
shipped to deparments all over the hospital, then I get a phone call from
the department head wondering why "I" ordered these books for them.  I
called F&G today to see what the story is.... they claim a telemarketer gets
prior permission before shipping books.  I was asked to check for a name on
the invoice.  One of the reference names used is a secretary for the Nursing
Department, who does answer the phone but would never risk authorizing a
book order and others are last names of people who do not work here.  The
Director of Nursing is a STRICT manager and sends all of her requests to me
as I am the purchasing agent for books etc...!  The really good part is that
all of the invoices are being sent to her (the DON) and F&G says they have
authorization from various people throughout the hospital (much to their

F&G said they would take us off of their telemarketer list, I have notified
our receiving department to refuse any shipments from them without a PO#.
Is anyone else having a similar problem.  This is poor business practice and
they seem to be "passing the buck" to their telemarketing dept.

Kathy Tacke
Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County
1200 College Dr.
Rock Springs, Wy  82901
voice 307-362-3711 X433
fax 307-362-8391
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