Am looking for the following:
Harden, R.M., Hart I.R., Mulholland H., eds., Approaches to the Assessment
of Clinical Competence. Dundee, Scotland. Centre for Medical Education.
Sutnick, A.J., Wilson, MP, ECFMG and Europe: ECFMG approach to global
assessment of clinical competence. Association of Medical Schools of
Europe Newsletter, January 1994; 8-10.
Association of Medical Schools of Europe Newsletter, January 1995; 13-14
Does anyone know if the following Conferences/Proceedings have been
published? And if so, where I can purchase/borrow?
Fifth Ottawa Conferrence on Assessment of Clinical Competence Dundee,
Scotland, U.K. September 1-3, 1992
Proceedinggs of the Sixth Ottawa Conference on Medical Education June
26-29, 1994
Proceedings of XIV Panamerican Conference on Medical Education (no date
Proceedings of Malta Derm 94.
The 7th Zagazig Conference of Dermatology & Venereology-Dermatology in the
21st Century, Cairo, Egypt, February 8-12, 1992
International Symposium on Student Assessment, Penang, Malaysia, January
10-15, 1993
AMEE Conference 1994, Athens Greece September 4-7, 1994
SCS Association for Medical Education in Europe, Krakow, Poland, September
5-8, 1993.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Geraldine Graves e-mail: [log in to unmask]
St. George's University
Marion Library
Grenada, West Indies