The copy machine looks like it's gonna be occupied for a while--I'll get
these out as soon as it's free.
Good talking to you!
At 04:27 PM 1/30/98 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm not exactly a library, but need this information STAT for a grant
>critique due Monday (just received draft today). I just called the JCAHO
>and am hoping call will be returned before they leave for the weekend. The
>clinic that houses our project is accredited by the Accrediation Assn. for
>Ambulatory Health care, Inc., which actually uses the words "library
>services" in their standards for professional development :-)
>Basically, I'm looking for the Information Management and Patient Education
>standards from the JCAHO 1996 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for
>Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) - last date listed on their website, but 97 would
>be even better. Please e-mail to address below if you have and can Fax,
>and let me know the cost. I will be happy to pay if necessary.
>In addition, do any of you have experience with JCAHO AMBULATORY
>accreditation, not connected with hospital accreditation? In this project,
>we are be working with tribal clinics seeking accreditation.
>Thanks so much for your assistance!
>Margaret (Peg) Allen, MLS-AHIP mailto:[log in to unmask]
>Library/Information Consultant
>Resource Librarian Consultant for Cinahl Information Systems, Inc.
>Project Director, Northwoods HealthNet, Northern Wisconsin AHEC, Inc.
>PO Box 2, 308 Kann, Stratford, WI 54484-0002
>(715)687-4976 or (715)687-2287 Fax:(715)687-4976
Sara Katsh, Head Librarian [log in to unmask]
AORN Library 303-755-6304 x288
2170 So. Parker Rd. 800-755-2676 x288
Denver CO 80231-5711 fax 303-368-4460