MEDLIB-L Archives

February 1998, Week 1


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Geraldine Graves <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 09:19:02 -0400
text/plain (27 lines)
To All Med-Libbers:

Have a slight problem with our IS Dept concerning "non-CAI" programs such
as Word processing or spread sheets being on student computer network.
They have sent me the following query:

"What are all these students using WordPerfect for? Note taking services?
Letters to mom?

I just don't understand the overwhelming need for students to word process
on university computers. I thought the intended use of these computers was
for access to research tools like Ovid and computer aided instruction like
Text Stacks.

I don't think I remember seeing a word processing program on the
Northwestern library LRC computers".

I have advised them I would put their query on the List and ask other
librarians what their policy is concerning type of programs they make
available in their libraries for student use.

Any and all comments would be most welcome!  Thanks.
Geraldine Graves
Marion Library
St. George's University
Grenada, West Indies          [log in to unmask]