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February 1998, Week 1


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Wilda Williams <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 12:08:35 -0500
text/plain (61 lines)
I am senior editor of Library Journal's Book Review  in charge of assigning  medical and consumer health titles for review. I am now looking for librarians interested in  writing for Library Journal. I especially need reviewers for books on  women's health, alternative medicine, infertility issues, gerontology, head injuries, asthma and allergies, diet and nutrition, cancer, etc.  I also need general science reviewers.
       If you can write well, and want to contribute to your profession, please complete the following application and e-mail it (along with a brief review of a book you recently read)  to me at [log in to unmask] We cannot pay you but you will have the pleasure of seeing your name in print and  a free copy of the book.  If you have further questions, you can e-mail me or call me at 212-463-6472. 

Wilda Williams

Library Journal Reviewer's Application


Professional affiliation: title, dept. institution

Home phone 
Work phone 

Office address 

Home address

Please indicate where you would like to receive the following:
Phone calls:  

List the subjects in which you would like to review. Try to be specific in your replies: if one of your fields is history, state specific periods or countries; if sports, state which sports; if fiction and poetry, list schools of writing or favorite authors.

Summarize your educational background and professional history, giving dates and names of institutions.


What additional knowledge have you derived from independent study, hobbies, travel experiences, or membership in associations?

Are there subjects in your fields you prefer not to review?

With which regions of the U.S. are you familiar?

Have you lived in any countries outside of the U.S. for extended periods? For how long?

Are you fluent in any foreign languages? Which ones?

In order to avoid conflicts of interest, please name any authors in your fields who are personal friends, colleagues, or family members. If applicable, note the publishers of your own books.

If you will be reviewing books in politics, philosophy, or religions, please state your own personal beliefs.