Audrey Bondar - Sladen Library, Henry Ford Hospital wrote:
> I am in the process of updating our collection development policy to
> include electronic resources. Has anyone recently updated their policy?
> If you have information you would be willing to share, please respond to
> me personally. I'll post a summary to the list if requested to do so.
> Thank you!!
> ****************************************************************************
> * Audrey A. Bondar Sr. Information Resource
> * Specialist
> * Sladen Library, K-17 *
> * Henry Ford Hospital Internet: [log in to unmask] *
> * 2799 West Grand Blvd. Voice: (313) 876-2550 *
> * Detroit, MI 48202 FAX: (313) 874-4730 *
> ****************************************************************************
Nancy B. and I just created an electronic access policy for Beaumont. I
would be happy to fax a copy to you, just need your fax number.