MEDLIB-L Archives

February 1998, Week 1


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Janice GOTTLIEB <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 15:01:08 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (33 lines)
As part of our ongoing contract with Ovid, we recently took advantage of
the opportunity of designing local holdings messages (HPD owns all or part
of this journal; Please check shelves OR Is only available through
interlibrary loan) for all of the journal titles indexed in the databases
offered to us by Ovid.

We had thought that this holdings message would flash or be highlighted in
some way on the initial "Browse citations" screen that appeared when the
user first displayed search results.  Then, the patron could immediately
limit his results to our holdings, if he or she wished and/or could not
wait for interlibrary loan.  We were, therefore, dismayed to find out
1. the local holdings information cannot appear on this screen.  It is
only available when patrons view the abstract or complete record.
2. the information appears within the record under the "Local message"
category, without highlighting or flashing.

At the present time, Ovid can't change the display of the local message.
However, they have put my request on their agenda for the future.  Do any
of you have local holdings information in your database search results?
How does it display?  Do you think my request is reasonable?

Thank you for your input.


Janice Gottlieb
Health Professions Division Library
Nova Southeastern University
(954) 262-3106
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