>Try doing a search on AIDS and ask for cites from the last 90 days. You
>will get cites from 1989 instead. Unacceptable. Busy people don't have
>the time for "workarounds" of this magnitude.
>Cheri Smith, MLS
Has noticed one of the new bugs in PubMed. Currently the entrez date is
coming in in reverse order. If you look at the last page you will locate
the current 98 UI nos. We noticed this in training last week and suggested
that last in first out be the recommended sequence.
That was how it was before 2.0, if I remember correctly, since that's how
it was it will probably be reversed.
Margaret Vugrin MSLS, AHIP Voice: 806-743-2241
Reference Librarian FAX: 806-743-2218
TTUHSC Library
Lubbock, TX 79430 e-mail: [log in to unmask]