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March 1998


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"Chris L." <[log in to unmask]>
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Student Government Association News and Issues <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 01:44:52 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (31 lines)
Lest I remind you, Senator Pontbriand, that our great leader has been the
subject of continuing allegations and speculation.  There have been no
convictions and until there are, you can't comment on his morality.  On
that point, I hardly consider President Reagan moral and President Buschs
numerous pardons would make Immanual Kant equally as pleased.

The day that Trent Lott or Bob Dole finds his way to 1600 Penn. Ave. is
the day that I will seriously question the capabilities of the Republican
party to lead this great nation.

For some reason I can't possibly conceive of Republican party
members going to
Africa and receiving the warmth that Clinton received.... Just a

see you on deck, senator.

On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Robert A. Pontbriand wrote:

>         It is with great pleasure that I announce that our lying, stagnant, and
> immoral President Bill Clinton only has less than 2 years in office.  Then
> the American people can mend their 8 year error and elect a true leader
> with character, integrity, ideas, and democratic principles as opposed to
> Bill Clinton who has done nothing but continuely lie and commit acts of
> infidelity instead of acts of peace and democracy.  May the Republicans
> mend his lack of leadership and countless errors when they arrive at 1600
> Penn. Ave in the year 2001.