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March 1998


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Anthony Turi <[log in to unmask]>
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Student Government Association News and Issues <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 10:46:14 -0500
text/plain (16 lines)
        I do not support these amendments. I agree with the thought and intention of the "oath of office" amendment, but I must agree with Robert. The oath would simply become a rhetorical joke. The senate body cares little for oaths or constitutional responsibility, so I doubt that an oath would have any effect. I also don't think that any senator or exec. Would be impeached for breaking the oath. I can see how Senator Luti's intentions where aimed at more responsibility and accountability, but the way senate acts now, and regretfully how it might act in the future, makes the oath unrealistic.
        As for the Investigations Committee, I believe that in the case of impeachment, it is the duty of each Senator to find out any pertinent information. I thought that during that dark era of this year Senate, that most Senators did a very good job of investigating. I think that any Senator would agree despite if you where for impeachment, anti-impeachment, or ambivalent, that the matter in which the Senate acted was commendable. It appeared to me that most senators had investigated the matter personally, and came to that meeting ready to discuss what actions to take.
        Secondly, an investigations committee is only necessary in cases of a cover-up, which I don't see. If there was past precedence of cover-ups, lying etc then I might see the need, but the need just isn't there.
        My last point (I promise) is that the appointments to this committee would be a logistical nightmare. Do we appoint someone who is pro-impeachment, someone new to senate, a friend of the accused, etc? These are all questions that the Senate would spend hours debating, and in my view needlessly.
        That is my $.02. I applaud Senator Luti for taking the initiative to voice his concerns and solutions. I challenge every other senator to do the same.

                                                                        Anthony Turi

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