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July 1998


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"Rebecca A. Esch" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Student Government Association News and Issues <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 11:07:28 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (55 lines)
I spoke to Paij Wadley-Bailey and she is ready and willing to do the
Ending Racism workshop.  She knows the date and time of the conference and
that she will be informed shortly before the date whether she will need to
do 1 or 2 workshops that day.  It would be helpful Erika I think if you
called her and gave her a more detailed idea of what we're looking for,
in the workshop.  Her number is 454-1135.  Sorry I can't make the
next meeting...keep me posted!  Rebecca

On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Erika L. Nestor wrote:

> ***Please forward to your students***
> Hello!
> The next meeting for the student activist conference will be:  FRIDAY,
> JULY 10 from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at the Women's Center. Mark your
> calendars! Our next meeting will focus primarily on marketing the
> conference to students and getting students involved in the planning this
> fall.
> The Agenda:
> I.   Confirm workshops and facilitators
> II.  Marketing plans
> III. Student involvement
> To date, we have nine workshops planned:
> Activism 101-Sally Conrad and Jen Matthews
> Fighting Homophobia and Heterosexism-Spark Campbell
> Women's Health and the Environment-Holly Shaner and Dr. Patty O'Brien
> Ending Violence against Women-Meg Landry
> Active Women in the Sports World-Barbara Cochran
> Faith, Feminism and Choices-Rev. Lee Alison Crawford
> We are still working on finding facilitators for the following workshops:
> Radical Environmentalism (Meg)
> Ending Racism(Rebecca)
> Body Image and the Media(Heather)
> (The names in the parenthesis are the individuals responsible for tracking
> down facilitators.)
> We would love to have undergraduates attend these meetings-if you know any
> that are available and interested, please bring them to the next meeting!
> Thanks.