Please excuse the cross-posting but I need these as soon as possible.
Could anyone fax or snail-mail me the following articles if they
have them in their collections? I would be willing to pay for the fax
charges if you let me know how much they are. I tried to find them full-text
in electronic databases but no luck.
1. Noelker, L.S.; Ford, A.B.; Gaines, A. D.; Haug, M.R.; et al. Attitudinal
influences on the elderly's use of assistance. Research on Aging, V20, N3;
May 1998, pp 317-338.
2. Marlow, N.D.; Arnold, V.A.; Marlow, E.K.. Assessing the needs of the
over-55 population. Journal of nonprofit and public sector marketing, v5,
n3, 1997, pp. 73-83.
Please reply to me directly and not to the list.
Barbara Bishop
Information Resource Specialist
Fax:(502) 789-1214
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then,
is not an act but a habit. Aristotle