MEDLIB-L Archives

November 1998, Week 1


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Deanna Ennis <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 16:22:34 -0600
text/plain (28 lines)
I am posting this request for information for a friend of mine who is
not on this listserve. I told her what wonderful luck everyone has
getting answers these types of questions.  Here is her request:

"I am looking for a database to record citations for an article
collection and other ephemera.  I would like to download citations from
Medline or Aidsline.  I want to be able to directly input a
description.  I need it to be searchable.  It would be very helpful if
those who offer suggestions can tell me the maker of the software and
any contact info they have handy.

I hope I can get all this in one product be if it looks like two
different processes to you let me know.  Further, if anyone knows how to
get an Aidsline citation into Access or Excel I would be very

If you could respond directly to her that would be great.  Linda Breaker
at:  [log in to unmask]

Thanks everyone,

Deanna M. Ennis
St. Joseph Hospital Health Science Library
1919 LaBranch
Houston, TX  77002
(713) 757-1000 x 1296
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