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January 1999


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Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
Nancy Bradford <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 12:48:44 -0500
Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Dear John,

I , too, also believe that the municipalities should continue to collect
the property taxes  as we have been doing and then either distribute to
the state or the school the mounts as required.

Feedback from the public indicates that the property owners feel more
comfortable and would rather pay the towns versus paying the state which
would require multi-faceted payments every which way between the town and
state as well as their annual tax obligation to the state.  Very
confusing, to say the least.

Our particular town counts on the investment opportunities which enable
us to keep our town tax rate down to a minimum, as much as possible.  A
"courtesy" stipend from the State would be appreciated for the work done
at the local level, as in the past, when payments were received in lieu
of the work done by the listers of the municipalities for the state's
benefit.  It sems appropriate that the cost-effectiveness would be better
served by a system in place versus the development and training of
additional personnel, computers, additional salaries & benefits, etc.
which would be required at the state level for their administrative

It is my understanding, that, due to Act 60, the state has a cash flow
problem, which apparently we, the municipalities and the taxpayers are
expected to solve by concurring with the state's requirements of
additional payments as currently scheduled.  As a result, the property
owner is subject to at least four payments to the state as well as one to
four payments due the municipalities which could result in 8 tax payments
required by the taxpayer, subject to penalties and interest for late
payments, as well.  Seems to be burdensome.

To reiterate, in my humble opinion, I too believe it is in the best
"interest of the the people", the "property owner", the "taxpayer", to
continue to collect the property taxes at the local level.

Joan Lehouiller, Treasurer, Town of Underhill

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