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January 1999


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"Holmes, Andrew" <[log in to unmask]>
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Student Government Association News and Issues <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 11:51:01 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
What I did on my winter vacation...
        After going home for just a few days I left for Minnesota for
two weeks.  It was a little cold, but fun.  I stayed for Christmas and
through New Years.  I traveled into South Dakota too.  Let me just
explain, there is nothing out there.  Unless you are in a city, after
you leave, nothing!
        I got home form Minnesota on the 5th of January.  A few days
later my favorite family pet, Ryan a bearded collie I have had since I
was 8, was hit by a car.  A few hours later I recived word that I a
freind from UVM had died in a tragic car accident.  It's nuts!
        I then recived great news that I had recieved an offer to work
in Newton Mass and I accepted.  I also was asked if I wanted to drive
out to Denver for the AFC Championship game and I decided to go.  What a
trip, we drove 58 hours and saw a football game in 3 days!  What a great

Andrew Holmes, SGA Treasurer
B156 Billings Student Center
phone: 802-656-7734
fax: 802-656-7719
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