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January 1999


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patrick brown <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Student Government Association News and Issues <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 07:57:25 -0500
text/plain (41 lines)
>>I'm writing to let you know about a great class being offered this spring
>>by the Department of Student Life through the College of Education and
>>Social Services.  EDHI 213 is a two credit, 10 week course titled
>>"Leadership: Theories, Styles, Realities."
>>In this course we will examine the newest, cutting edge definition of
>>"Leadership" offered to college student leaders.  In this course, students
>>will reflect upon and learn more about their own leadership strengths and
>>qualities, those of others and of groups and organizations.
>>EDHI 213 allows for an interesting combination of examining Leadership and
>>Leaders from an individual, community and larger societal perspective.  It
>>is a great class for students who are interested in becoming more involved
>>on campus, those who participate in clubs, organizations or community
>>events, and those who take on active leadership roles on or off campus.
>>Students of any major or college are welcome to register.
>>The course meets on Wednesday afternoons from 3:35 to 6:25 p.m. and begins
>>JANUARY 27th.  For more information please contact me via email or at the
>>Department of Student Life, 6-2060.
>>Kathy Cook
>>Coordinator of Leadership Programs
>>University of Vermont
>>Billings Student Center
>>Burlington, Vermont 05405
>>(802) 656-2060
>Kathy Cook
>Coordinator of Leadership Programs
>University of Vermont
>Billings Student Center
>Burlington, Vermont 05405
>(802) 656-2060