Hi Chris.. you are DA BOMB.. very inspirational, and I like the dormant fire thing...
your buddy, Sheila
Chris Allen wrote:
> Hello-
> I spoke with Progressive city counselor Chapin Spencer (who voted against)
> tonight after the senate meeting regarding their resolution regarding 18+
> events downtown. He confirmed that, at least temporarily, such events have
> been banned. Every one of us can name several reasons why this situation
> is simply unacceptable. On that note, it would be a very good thing if we
> could flood every relevant Burlington media outlet with editorials in the
> next week or two. Below, please find the information for the BFP, Seven
> Days, and Vermont Times (probably shouldn't overlook the Cynic either).
> Attached is also a list of just about every other one in the state. It
> might be a good idea for those of you who are from VT to send a quick
> little something out to your hometown paper detailing the situation up here
> at UVM (OR, this may not be a good idea, discretion is key here. I know
> nothing of the nature of any of these other publications). Also, if
> someone brings forth a resolution pertaining to this at next week's
> meeting, we should invite local TV.
> We would be blind not to recognize that this mobilization initiative WILL
> add fuel to a rather dormant fire. Currently, there is very little press
> attention being paid to this resolution and student issues downtown in
> general. We run the very real risk of community backlash by mobilizing
> students around this. Having said that, I think this is a great thing for
> us to be doing. Tasteful editorials are a great tool. Make sure you sign
> it "UVM SGA Senator (your name here)"!
> One more thing - I'm guessing the administration didn't have a thing to
> say about this? Wouldn't it be novel if they'd throw a little weight
> around to protect OUR interests (read: rights) one of these days?
> Chris A.
> P.O. Box 10, Burlington, VT 05402
> [log in to unmask]
> P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
> FAX: 865-1015
> [log in to unmask]
> P.O. Box 940, Shelburne, VT 05482-0940
> FAX: 985-2490
> [log in to unmask]
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