SGA Archives

March 1999


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Jen Higa <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 20:57:57 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
If anyone is interested in being on a SGA Team for this event, please let
me know asap.  I think this would be great for us to show support and GET
OUT and do some community service!  Let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Kirsten Freeman [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Thursday, March 11, 1999 2:16 PM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        April 17th - Community Works

I hope the semester is going well for you and you are enjoying this spring
break time.  I am writing to invite you to participate in an exciting and
rewarding spring event COMMUNITY WORKS to be held on Saturday April 17th.
Community Works is a campus wide event that involves two hundred faculty,
staff, and students joining together to volunteer for a half day of
meaningful community service.

I hope you will take advantage of this worthwhile event and register as an
individual participant or with your club as a team. If you would like a
representative from the Community Works planning committee to come and
speak with your organization, we would be more than happy to send someone!!
Teams need to register by Friday April 9th, so we would like to provide you
with as much information as we can before then.

On the day of the event, festivities kick off at 8:00 am in Billings North
Lounge with a small breakfast and juice.  Immediately following, teams will
proceed to their project site for three hours of community service before
reconvening at noon for reflection and a celebration lunch sponsored by

If you would like someone to come and speak to your student organization or
would just like some more information, please email [log in to unmask] or
[log in to unmask] or contact Kirsten Freeman or Jennifer Pigza at the
Department of Student Life at 656-2060.

We look forward to your participation on April 17th!

Kirsten Freeman
Community Service Graduate Assistant
Department of Student Life

Kirsten Freeman
Community Service Graduate Assistant
Department of Student Life
University of Vermont
Burlinton, VT 05401
Ph:  (802) 656-2060
Fax: (802) 656-7731