April 1999


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UVM Flownet <[log in to unmask]>
MARK LAWSON <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 20:03:08 EDT
UVM Flownet <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Yo....   been out of the loop lately.....  I guess little ones will do
that....  Lots of babies being born out here in west texas.... the
obstetricians know that when the crops are bad, as they were with last
years drought, the farmers stay home and make babies.....    :-)

I was pleased to see Carmine Valente got some of the "heads" together to
talk....(the Reporter March '99 vol. 16:3)  anyone with some info of what
happened?     Topics like "the future of ultrasound" and "Cooperation
between associations" would be real nice to discuss......    And I know I
should of taken Carmine up on the Squash court...next Time.....   And
BTW....  I challenge Don to a wrestling match.....   Dale to a game of
chess....... better quit while I can win....  I hear Suzanne has a mean
table tennis game..... Now wouldn't that be nice at the next meeting???
 A ping pong table to ease the stress of all those meetings   "Ping Pong
with the Sonographers"   .....yeah....  Make it so.......  engage....
Warp factor 4.

Someone gimme some info......please

mark lawson

PS:  thanks for the advance notice about nominations for
SDMS....Dang...... hope someone nominated Wayne.... I'm telling you He's
a sonographer supporter to the nth and should be given the chance raise
our profession....that is if we want it to happen.     m.

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