MEDLIB-L Archives

June 1999, Week 2


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Cheryl Goodwin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Cheryl Goodwin <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:08:00 -0700
text/plain (33 lines)
Just after MLA I sent out a request for some statistical data to use as part
of a benchmarking process mandated by our administration.  I was a bit
disappointed to only receive 11 responses and am hoping that everyone was
just too busy with the post-MLA catch up.  So I'm trying one more time in
the hopes of getting a few more replies.

I've simplified the questions a bit - removing some that were confusing.

1.      Number of beds?

2.      How many physicians are on your medical staff?

3.      How many FTEs does the hospital have?

4.      What is your library's total operating budget (including salaries) ?

5.      How many FTE's are in the Library?

I will put these in an Excel file and share with anyone who responds.  I'm
not putting names of hospitals in the file, just using the other data.

Thanks again!

Cheryl M. Goodwin, MLS
Manager, Library Services  *    206/386-6469
Swedish Medical Center     *    206/386-3570 (fax)
747 Broadway                   *        [log in to unmask]
Seattle, WA 98122