I think we're all singing to the choir. I don't think we're averse to
learning new methods (a la old dogs, etc), but when it ain't broke, don't
fix it--improve it. However, this is not on NLM's agenda. They don't want
to be loved, they want to be respected--by every public user out there & the
hell with us. Do I sound bitter---no-o--o--o, never!!
Yes, I still use Elhill & will till 9/30. I've been trying to use "the
new", & do use it for quick & dirty which don't require much in the way of
real input, but for the tough & dirty, Elhill still has my vote. I guess
when it expires I'll go to Dialog for everything other than the quick &
Lee Hover
Director, Scientific Information
Integrated Communications Corp
5 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: 973.451.2373
FAX: 973.292.9382
-----Original Message-----
From: Medical Libraries Discussion List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Steward, Auburn
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 10:32 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Demise of Medlars access?
I agree that the loss will cause us to lose the complex searching
capabilities. I use Toxline frequently but sometimes using the form in IGM
doesn't work for the more complex, multi-term searches. I get messages
saying that it cannot process the search!! So I go back to Elhill. I know
I could use Toxline on Dialog, but I prefer Elhill. If we are to transition
to web-based searching entirely, something needs to be done to make those
systems more flexible so we can refine our searches as we were taught years
ago on Elhill. I am willing to learn new forms of access, if they will give
us access to capabilities we once had.
Auburn Steward, MLIS, AHIP
Center for Toxicology & Environmental Health
4301 W. Markham--Slot 767
Hendrix Hall--Suite 100A
Little Rock, AR 72205
501-614-2835 (fax)
[log in to unmask]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Burdick, Amrita J. [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 9:06 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Demise of Medlars access?
> I am really concerned about the loss of access points which will happen
> with the
> switchover to the web-based version of searching. While PubMed has some
> advanced options, many databases -- such as AIDSLINE are available only
> through
> Internet Grateful Med. Are we really going to lose the capability of
> searching
> many fields (such as chemical registry number, textwords with adjacency,
> author
> institutional affiliation, etc.) that have been helpful in complex
> searches? I
> contacted MEDLARS who told me to just enter textwords as MeSH headings
> which is
> an automatic mapping. The method they suggested for institutional
> affiliation
> simply didn't work. I haven't explored all the other fields and which ones
> work
> and which ones won't but it doesn't look good.
> I don't mind learning new forms of access (as long as they work
> efficiently) but
> I am reluctant to lose the complex searching capabilities of Elhill!!!
> Amrita Burdick, Clinical Medical Librarian
> UMKC Health Sciences Library
> 2411 Holmes St.
> Kansas City, MO 64108-2792
> [log in to unmask]
> (816) 235-1876