Assistant Director for Web Development
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, seeks a talented, creative
individual to lead its multi-faceted Web initiatives. This individual will have
strategic responsibility for setting and achieving long-term goals for the most
effective use of the World Wide Web to support the Medical Center
?s clinical,
educational, and research missions. Requires Bachelor's degree or equivalent
course work in a computer-or business related field, at least four years of
project leadership experience for technical projects, and the excellent
communication skills. Salary is competitive, negotiable, and commensurate with
skills and experience. See <>
for more information. Send resume, samples of previous work and reference
information to Dr. Nunzia Giuse, Director, Eskind Biomedical Library, Vanderbilt
University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232-8340. Vanderbilt University is
an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, persons with
disabilities, and women are encouraged to apply.