MEDLIB-L Archives

June 1999, Week 3


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Pamela Richards <[log in to unmask]>
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Pamela Richards <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 09:54:04 -0400
text/plain (15 lines)
I have had similar trouble with the latest browser from Mr. Gates.  IE5 might fine as long as I don't do anything fancy.  I have serveral Windows95 workstations with P2 processors and plenty of memory.  My machine began stalling and throwing up error messages immediately after installation.  The installer flat out refused to work on half of my workstations.  I use IE4 on my personal machine with no problems.  I think that everything is a beta test these days.  You think by now I'd learn.

But the weirdest thing by far is what happens when I install a ICA Web Client.  This plugin is needed to access a WInframe Server that holds the Cochrane database at  a remote location.  I can connect to the database after a few timeouts.  But the Internet Options and the menu item below it disappear from the browser completely!  The settings need to be changed periodically for various reasons.  This happened enough that I just uninstalled everything and we now just use Netscape.

Pam Richards
Information Specialist
Health Science Library
St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond St.
Toronto, ON
M5B 1W8
416-360-4000 x2924
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