MEDLIB-L Archives

June 1999, Week 3


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Sidney Liswood Library <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sidney Liswood Library <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:35:45 -0400
text/plain (32 lines)
> ... Looked for Annals of Surgery both in the journal itself and
> under the pub's web address - found lots of their journals had sites but not
> this one. Has anyone found an easier way to look rather than going to the
> publishers sites??

There probably is no web site for this journal because the publisher
(Lippincott) doesn't seem currently inclined to support one.  All I
could find on exact phrase search in two web search engines (HotBot and
Yahoo) was a site in either Portugese or Spanish called Home Page.  It
had the following link:

which is the Lippincott blurb for the journal.

Sometimes, the societies that publish these things have internal sites
for members only but I couldn't verify that for this title.

Suggestion: write Lippincott and ask for a functioning web site for the
title.  Or - use the standard online indexes ...

Gord Lindsay, ILL Clerk, and      Internet: [log in to unmask]
Poet-In-Residence,                FAX: (416) 586-4998
Sidney Liswood Library,           Phone: (416) 586-4614
Mount Sinai Hospital              Carrier Pigeon, Starship, Plane:
600 University Ave.,              Latitude 43 39N, Longitude 79 20W
Toronto, Ont., M5G 1X5
CANADA                            Or, just whistle and I'll find you.