Hello Flownetters,
I would like to request some advice on this interesting case.
Although I have been 'lurking' for some time this is my first posting.
Today I was called to the PACU for a cardiac cath patient with diminished
foot pulses. 'Angio-seal' had been used. This is new to my facility with
only 50 or so patients being done so far.
On duplex I saw a flow restricting foreign body in the CFA.
The velocity was approx 500 cm/s at restriction with post turbulence
This foreign body was presumed to be the collagen from the angio seal.
Patient was taken to OR for 'foreign body' removal and did well.
Has anybody had experience with this complication?? I would appreciate
advice on what images are most useful and how this is treated at other places.
Thank you
Jean Perdue RN RVT